CB General Assembly and Members Open Discussion

CB General Assembly and Members Open Discussion

When – Wednesday 15 May

Where – On-line

11:30 – 12:30

  1. General Assembly
  2. Members’ Open Discussion

Highlights of the event

  1. The members approved last year’s certified accounts, thanked the outgoing Board for a splendid job and approved the 2024 budget.
  2. The outgoing President Philippe Vanden Bussche summarized 2023 activities and affirmed the 2024 activities that were decided in the 11 December 2023 strategy meeting.
  3. Philippe also lauded Ranga Deshpande’s development of the new Common Belgium website and the new mailing system.
  4. The following new Board for 2024 was elected:
  • Philippe Vanden Bussche, President
  • Shrirang “Ranga” Deshpande, Vice-President
  • Marc Verbruggen, Secretary
  • Koen Decorte, Treasurer
  • Corneel Theben Tervile, Board Member
  • Guy Staskowiak, Board Member
  • Toshaan Bharvani, Board Member
  • Dirk Hauwaerts, Board Member

* Philippe thanked Liliane van Winckel, the outgoing Board member, for her impressive contribution for crafting education agendas, and welcomed the incoming Board members Toshaan Bharvani, an AIX/Linux and Open Source specialist, and Dirk Hauwaerts, an Application Development specialist.

* The elections were followed by an open discussion on the values of Common Belgium – Networking, Education, Knowledge sharing, Professional development and Friendship – and how to stick to them through this year’s and future events.