Members – Boost your Career! Boost your person!
Sponsors – Boost your business!
Unlock Your Potential with Common Belgium Membership:
- To achieve Education Excellence: Access world-class education on current and emerging IBM Power System and IBM i technologies from IBM Rochester Development lab experts and world-renowned local and global industry experts through in-person and online options – Lifelong learning.
- To join the Networking Powerhouse: Join us to be part of not only Belgium but also the global (Common Europe and COMMON North America) user group community for IT and Power Systems professionals, fostering connections, mentorship, and real-world knowledge that can set you apart in your career – Continuous Networking.
- To assure continuous Career Growth: Common Belgium’s mission is to enhance members’ careers by providing resources, tools, and opportunities for education, networking, leadership, and advocacy to IBM and other industry partners – Non-stop career Boosting.
- To accelerate Day-to-Day Working: Common Belgium’s close partnership with worldwide Solution Providers extends latest and future assuring application or infrastructure enhancement offers – Life simplifying.
Join online here
Specific Demonstrable Benefits valued in thousands of Euros:
- To attend Common Belgium (minimum) four (4) annual in-person events and on-line events FREE, workshops at member prices – save €600+.
- To attend the annual Common Europe Congress at member price – save additional €300 on registration, additional €300 if you attend 2 workshop and even €100 more if you attend social events with a non-congress attending person.
- To attend Benelux Power at member price – save €300+ on top of two (2) above.
- To attend FREE COMMON North America FOCUS, a virtual event with 4 hours workshops. Watch 2024 edition at your pace with 9 workshops that you need: https://learn.common.org/products/common-focus-2024?_zs=a2Ioe1&_zl=l8CS9#tab-product_tab_content (full workshops available for members alone)
- To learn online from 400+ hours of top education content including boot camps for FREE and fully at your pace as COMMON North America member https://www.common.org/membership/benefits.
Join online here
Membership categories and fees for all benefits above (Common Belgium is VAT subjected – all amounts will be added with current Belgian VAT, 21% in 2024):
- Enterprise Member: €600/year – 5 (five) registered employees from same enterprise, proven by identical domain e-mail (+€50/each for additional seats).
- Company Member: €350/year – 3 (three) registered employees from same company, proven by identical domain e-mail.
- Individual Member: €150/year – 1 (one) individual.
- Academic Member: FREE membership for Academic Institutions – One professor and up to three students each can attend the Common Belgium (minimum) 4 annual in-person events and on-line events for FREE.
- Sponsor Member: €750/year – 3 registered employees from same company, proven by identical domain e-mail (+€50/each for additional seat).
Additional business boosting advantages for Sponsor members:
- Logo on Common Belgium website,
- 1/3rd discount for 1 (one) or more Common Belgium hosted webinars on a topic of sponsor’s choice with reception of demographic data including e-mail of all registrants (price € 1000 instead of € 1500).
- 1 (one) annual mailing to Common Belgium contact list on sponsor’s behalf.
- 10% discount on Sponsor/Exhibitor fess at our events
Join online here
Beat inflation adjusted or Board decided annual membership increase and skip yearly paperwork:
Become long-term member through any category, request a one-time invoice and obtain:
- Five (5) years membership – Ten (10) % discount for one-time payments up-front.
- Ten (10) years membership – Twenty (20) % discount for one-time payments up-front.
- Life membership for individual members – Thirty (30) % discount for one-time payment of 15 years up-front.
- Contact info@common.be for all queries.
Data Privacy: Common Belgium Privacy Policy, soon available on our website, will govern all collected member data with members’ explicit opt-in. https://www.common.be/privacy-policy/
NB: All memberships are valid January 1 to December 31 for the invoiced calendar year and are non-transferable. All activities invoiced at non-member fees if no payment within one calendar month of invoice date.
Edition: 26 May 2024
Membership dues discussed and actualized (if needed) in Common Belgium’s end of the year annual Strategy Board meeting.
Copyright: Copyright Common Belgium® 2024 www.common.be
Questions: Please contact info@common.be for all clarifications.