Common Belgium presents Common Europe Congress 2024

Common Belgium presents Common Europe Congress 2024

03-06 June, Milan, Italy

The exceptional once in a year advanced learning and extensive networking congress to hone your skills for enhancing your career.

Common Belgium members, with their huge discounts, massively attended the Common Europe Congress, Milan, Italy. It achieved the biggest attendance in 15 years with 450+ people from 31 countries with young persons, students and first time attendees showing the increasing interest for our platform. The high quality of education sessions, the rich Solution Provider Expo and the live entertainment at the congress dinner contributed to a memorable skills improving and networking experience for all attendees without forgetting continuous fun.
Many of the session handouts are already available on Sched and speakers are requested to upload the rest. Watch, read and download them at
The official congress video is available here and there are some short videos on Common Europe’s YouTube channel:
View the photos or share them via this link.

Read Congress details here ...